Thursday, March 18, 2010, Society

It's been awhile since I've bagged on the sisters. Sister Smyth was just at an Enrichment Night, so it made me think of something I meant to mention awhile ago. On September 26, 2009 Sister Beck announced at the General Relief Society meeting that all Relief Society meetings would be called just that, Relief Society. Basically, there's no need to distinguish weekly/monthly/quarterly non-Sunday activities from weekly Sunday activities, so there's no longer such thing as Enrichment.

Which is weird, because about a month after that, the Relief Society presidency in our ward was reorganized, and they called a sister as the Enrichment counselor. How does that work, when there's no such thing as Enrichment anymore? Just call her the first or second counselor like almost every other organization in the church does, and put her over non-Sunday Relief Society meetings, or however you want to phrase it. It just makes you wonder if the new Relief Society president was watching the General Relief Society meeting the month prior. I know old habits die hard, but the change from Homemaking to Enrichment wasn't that big of a deal, and many people actually liked it.

The bigger question to bring it back to Scouting, then, is if we don't expect people to pay attention to something as simple the name of a meeting or to give someone a calling that actually exists, how will we expect them to pay attention when they're asked to complete more comprehensive training like Woodbadge, as taught by former YM president Charles Dahlquist?

Friends of Scouting

Ah, time for Friends of Scouting again. I wish I enjoyed this part of the job a little more than I do. There's just something about going out and asking people for 50 bucks that I don't enjoy. I think the money goes to a great place, helping to pay for our council camps, which are awesome. I just don't like doing it.